Corrections Policy

At The California Syndicate, headquartered in Washington DC, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable journalism. Despite our best efforts, errors can occur. Our Corrections Policy outlines how we handle corrections to ensure transparency and accountability.

Identification of Errors

Errors can range from factual inaccuracies to typographical mistakes. We rely on our editorial team and our readers to identify these errors.

Reporting Errors

If you find an error in any of our articles, please report it through the following means:

  • Email: Send details of the error to
  • Contact Form: Use the contact form on our website to submit your observation.

Verification Process

Upon receiving a report of an error, our editorial team will verify the information. This may involve consulting original sources, cross-referencing with other publications, and discussing the matter with the author of the article.

Making Corrections

Once an error is confirmed, we will correct it promptly. Corrections will be clearly marked at the bottom of the article, indicating what was corrected and the date of the correction.

Editorial Oversight

All corrections are overseen by our editorial team to ensure that they are handled in accordance with our journalistic standards.


All articles that undergo corrections will be archived to maintain a record of changes. The archive will include both the original and corrected versions of the article.


We are committed to being transparent about our correction process. Significant corrections will be announced through our social media channels and newsletters.

Governing Law

This Corrections Policy is governed by the laws of Washington DC, United States.

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